What I do every day at LeadingReach

I conduct training sessions and check ins with our customers. My goal is to make them feel supported and make them feel like LeadingReach experts!

Why I work at LeadingReach

LeadingReach is a GAME CHANGER for the healthcare industry- I'm excited to be a part of it!

What I do off the clock

I'm almost always cooking something delicious, eating something delicious, or snuggling with my dog watching movies.

My desert island playlist

Queen, Lady Gaga, Bob Marley, Tennis, Blondie

A random fact about me

Elephants make me cry- they're so wise and gentle in spite of their size. I'm in awe of them! <3

My favorite quote

"It's so easy to laugh, it's so easy to hate; It takes strength to be gentle and kind." -Morrissey