LR Storytellers is a series of reflections from our team behind our customer’s success story. It’s an opportunity for our team to share their own experience with our customers and what it was like bringing them onto the LeadingReach Network.

by Clint Smith Co-Founder and Chief Strategy Officer

Just over 8 years ago, I started down a path to help Curtis Gattis take an existing trade show technology and pivot into Healthcare. We started with a pilot program at St. David’s Hospital here in Austin, TX and quickly realized the immense opportunities and even greater challenges of a Healthcare IT start up. From keeping the lights on, to keeping our sanity, the odds were against us and we have certainly stubbed more than a few toes along the way.

I’d like to believe we did it the hard way and took the road less traveled. We opted not to take institutional investment, strapped up our boots, and committed ourselves to becoming good partners, better listeners and growing our business one customer at a time. 

We also chose not to cloud our vision by marketing an unproven product in an industry filled with buzzwords and headlines. As we looked at the competitive landscape, our position on marketing became a badge of honor, up to and including the decision to not have a public facing website until November of last year, nor a member of the team with a marketing title on the org chart.

Today, LeadingReach is the fastest growing connected Network in Healthcare with over  30,000 participating organizations and a partnership announcement coming in January with one of the largest organizations in our industry. We launched our first website in November of last year and were able to persuade Mason Hering to come over from ZoHo and lead our Marketing efforts. We have invested heavily in Marketing over the past year and it has been extremely impactful to our business and long term vision for the company.

One of the Marketing initiatives that Mason took the lead on this year was gathering Customer Stories from our passionate users, the people in the trenches who make healthcare work and help all of us have better access to care. Reading these stories is the most gratifying experience I have had in 8 years and feel compelled to share their stories and experiences in working with the Healthcare Happiness Team.

Our first Story comes from San Antonio Pediatric Development Services. I met Dr. Aune, Letitia and their team of passionate caregivers in Spring of 2015. We were just getting started in the San Antonio market and had little to no Network presence. From our first encounter, it was clear they had an extremely high level of compassion for their patients and the delicate nature of the conditions they treat. As with most clinics, they were short staffed and there were never enough hours in the day. The fax machine and inefficient referral processes were bringing the team to their knees and we proposed a solution that involved connecting over 300 pediatric primary care, speciality, sub specialty, ancillary service clinics as well as 3 major health systems in the San Antonio market. Today, they have successfully managed close to 40,000 transitions of care and taught us a lot along the way. 

Click the link below to read how we helped this MedNax practice deliver accountability for patients who need it most:
