Zephyr Core Features for Primary Care Physicians

Explore the possibilities of efficient patient care management with these key features.

Frequently Asked Questions

Zephyr: In ePRG, there is an eTools drop down menu. From there, click the Zephyr Access Request Link.

LeadingReach: In Zephyr, click your username in the top right-hand corner and select User Settings. In the Integrations section, click the link to request your account and fill out the request form.

LeadingReach is a separate platform with its own, secure login portal. The Zephyr Bridge will create a “link” between the two platforms.

You will log into LeadingReach when creating a link between your Zephyr and LeadingReach accounts. Once linked, you will not be required to log in when sending referrals or launching LeadingReach from Zephyr.

Each person who plans to send or view referrals in Zephyr will need a unique LeadingReach login.

You can use the same email address to login into both applications, but you will need a separate login for each application as they are treated independently.

Zephyr is expanding its offering to include specialist referrals. ePRG will continue to house a number of tools for WellMed Contracted and Affiliated Providers.

LeadingReach is the software company behind Zephyr and is a development partner with WellMed.

Like Zephyr, LeadingReach will be provided at no cost to WellMed Contracted & Affiliated PCPs*

*The contract with WellMed will not supersede an existing contract that the PCP may already have in place with LeadingReach*

An Important Message Regarding the WellMed Referral Waiver

WellMed's referral waiver expired September 30, 2024 and the implementation period has started, effective October 1, 2024. The primary purpose of the implementation period is to allow time for offices to stand up their referral processes and be trained to use LeadingReach.

  • Referrals are encouraged for all patients, but are currently not required
  • Patient care should not be disrupted due to this process; claims will not be denied due to lack of referral
  • Referrals and prior authorizations are separate and distinct; the prior authorization process has not changed
  • The implementation period will run until further notice

We encourage all providers to establish a connection through LeadingReach and attend training to learn more.